Friday, October 9, 2009

I will not be Ass-imilated

I give up,er give in.If I want to cry,I'll cry.If I want to scream,I'll scream.These are two things I've been trying to suppress lately,and I dont care who sees or hears me.You want me to go with the flow,stay in check and be unfeeling like the rest of the crowd?Well,up yours,I will not be assimilated.If I have to drop everything,stand still and roar to the highest heavens,then I will.If I want to throw my stuff to the four winds and tear my hair out,then I will.I'm sick of trying to appear in control,when all around the world and my own world is going to pieces.To hell in a handbasket.Up shit creek without a paddle.Maybe if more of us showed our true feelings and screamed when we wanted to scream,we would'nt be in such a state of shit as we are in now.Business as usual my rosy red ass.